lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Last days at las cruces

So I haven't written any entries for awhile. In the past couple days I visited a coffee farm, where we got to talk directly with the farmer. He, his wife, and his granddaughter are the only people that work together to harvest the coffee there! He wants to eventually be able to do all the steps involved to prepare the coffee up to the packaging, because he currently does everything organically, but receives no extra payment from the corporations that buy coffee. This morning we had a plant taxonomy test where we had to identify the family of the tropical plants! It is actually really cool because in order to determine the plant type you need to examine things like smell, texture, oil glands & look for sap that comes out when you cut the leaves off. After my test, I went out to the river again with a bunch of my guy friends and we climbed around on the rocks all afternoon. Last night we went out to a bar in San Vito, where we all danced, attempting salsa , etc. It was very fun and I want to go again tonight since its our last night here! Tomorrow we leave for Cuerci where we will have no internet, no hot water, and it will be extremely cold! I am worried because I am already cold some nights here. The next time I will write I will be in La Selva! (the rainforest!)

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