martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

La Selva!

So I have been staying in La selva for 2 days now and have already seen such amazing things! On our first hike, I saw these giant banana spiders all over the trail. I saw my first poison dart frog, he was tiny and I failed to capture a good picture of him, but he was still adorable. I saw an entire colony of coatis! (see picture below for one). Our tour guide had a sight-a-scope and he showed us amazing birds and the quality was awesome! I actually took some pics thru it and they were beautiful! Me and my friend John headed out for an assignment (observe the forest around you and write observations for 30 mins). In the very end of 30 mins, John spotted a white face monkey!! It was incredible and I was soo excited. After that, we saw a total of 5 monkeys in the span of half an hour. Some spider monkeys too (red bodies long arms). Some leaped over our heads. We saw them climb, eat fruit and the entire time I was ecstatic. Last night I climbed to the top of this huge tower that reached way above the canopy of the forest and looked out at the surrounding landscape. You could see lights in far off cities, and a general outline of the landscape. It was incredible as well. Then on my walk back home, I spotted an extremely rare creature of the night... a kinkajou!!  I saw his eyes reflect off the bridge that we cross and he walked down the wire and was literally one foot away from our faces! My proff said we were very lucky because they are rarely seen. Also, this guy seemed interested in us, and kept looking at us and creeping nearer and nearer (although I suspect he was rather scared as well). He was definitely the highlight of my trip so far! sooo cute. I saw some wild peccaries in the forest as well. In comparison to the other students it seems I have been very lucky so far in animal spotting :D.

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